Release plan is a commitment schedule and it is important to meet this commitment both for customer & organization development project. Every release starts with the release planning meeting.
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In the Scrum methodology sprint is a time period in a range of 2 to 8 weeks in which team can develop the shippable piece of software according to the requirement of the client. In the sprint planning meeting, entire scrum team participates along with scrum master & product owner.
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When the group of persons sits together in formal or informal way for making the discussion to solve any type of problem is called meeting. Daily scrum meeting has a fixed structure and meeting is held at a same time and same location.
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As you know Scum is a framework of iterative and incremental for the project management. Scrum has three roles: Scrum Master, Product Owner, and Team. The combination of all three roles is known as The Scum Team. The Team is a self manageable in the Scrum methodology. So, it is important for the team to understand the concept velocity.
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Although is is difficult to explain complete scrum in one page. Let me try to explain how scrum methodology works. Scum methodology is a methodology which is most famous in the Project Management. By use of the scum methodology number of product are produced.
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In 1970’s Agile methodology was built on the foundation of the waterfall sequential method. The main aim of the agile methodology is to increase the productivity of the company and reduces the risk related to the development of the product or a project.
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PMI is organizing a webinar on “Fixed Price Agile Products”. This would be the part of PMI Agile Community. This will be PMI Agile Community’s first event to accommodate Europe & Asia!
Agile experts tell us fixed price projects are immoral and declare that agility can only be delivered on a slippery schedule and budget. But what about the real world? What about fixed deadlines and fixed budgets? What about projects that are selected based on schedule and cost? How do you agile that? In this session, you will learn key principles for achieving agility in a fixed-price environment. Come discover how to achieve what agile experts tell you is impossible.
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