Role of Project Manager in Agile Methodology

In 1970’s Agile methodology was built on the foundation of the waterfall sequential method. The main aim of the agile methodology is to increase the productivity of the company and reduces the risk related to the development of the product or a project.
Agile methodology is people oriented not organization oriented. There are the numbers of characteristics of the agile methodology like test frequently, delivery frequently, collaborative approach etc. There are number of agile methodology like Scrum, Extreme Programming, Crystal etc. Basically all the agile methodology working on a same type of philosophy many of them have same characteristics. The difference between these methodologies occurs at the implementation time, because each methodology has their own recipe of practice.
Although some agile experts says there is no role of project managers in methodologies like Scrum. But, it is not very practical. With agile methodologies, project managers has to change the his leadership skills. It is basically transition from traditional leadership skills to agile people oriented leadership skills.
Project manager has a great role in an organization for managing the whole Project. All the success or failure of the Project depends upon the project manager. There is a great role of project manager in a agile methodology.
It is the responsibility of the successful project manager to adopt and implement best agile methodology. In an agile project, success of the project totally depends upon the joint team not only on the project manager alone. In scrum agile methodology, in most of the cases project manger role is mapped to Scrum Master or sometimes, if there is no business analyst & a technical architect exists, them PM plays the role of product owner.
In agile methodology like scrum:
- Project manager does not do task assignment. Team members take responsibility by their own & individual choose task by his or her own.
- Team give the status to entire team rather than project manager.
Project manager has some other important roles to play:
- Project manager must have an experience to solve any problems, which are occurs during the designing and implementation of the project by using the agile methodology.
- Project Manager must be a good leader – He must have ability to guide his team members and motivate team to achieve the target.
- Project manager must have a trust for his team member. It is very necessary for project manager because the successful of the agile methodology depend upon not only on a single person but it depends upon the joint team member efforts.
- Project manager must have to check the performance of the each member time to time and also give the feedback about that to team member for their weakness. Because as team member knows about the weakness, they can improve himself.
- Project manager must have to give some innovative ideas for the development of a project. They must contribute to product backlog.
- Project manager must of a good communicator during implementation of a agile methodology. He must have to communicate with different stakeholders and support face-to-face talk.
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