Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) is an essential part of the Project Management. The Work Breakdown Structure was developed by U.S. defence establishment and is described in a Military Standard (MIL-STD) 881B.
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In 1970’s Agile methodology was built on the foundation of the waterfall sequential method. The main aim of the agile methodology is to increase the productivity of the company and reduces the risk related to the development of the product or a project.
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In a Company or Organization Management is an act by using which all the activities are organized with a specific manner to achieve the desired target or goal. There are certain Management functions like planning, staffing Directing, reporting, Budgeting etc.
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Today each organization has their own strategy to follow good management practices to achieve the goal of the project undertaken by them. It is imperative that projects are manage to win the confidence of stake holders, realize efficiency and effectiveness in all phases of the project and to improve the life cycle of the projects.
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Project is a temporary endeavour for converting ideas into the action by passing through the various stages. Project Management is a science and art by which whole the process of conversation of ideas into action is occurred in an organize way. Project Management is done at various stages like development of a new product, starting a new service etc.
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One of the important activity of Project Management is the Project Scheduling. Success of the Project depends upon the Project Scheduling. Scheduling of the work can be done on monthly/weekly/daily basis – depending on the size of the project. Generally, it is done on weekly basis. If team is following agile methodology with sprints of 1 week, it might be done on daily basis.
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A good product requirement document is very important for a good Quality product. Through out the product life cycle, Product Requirement Document (PRD) has a great role. It is generally created by the domain expert or subject matter expert of the product owner company. It it is an existing product, company can take the feedback of the product from the end users and users can contribute to enhance the Quality of the product.
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PMI is organizing a webinar on “Fixed Price Agile Products”. This would be the part of PMI Agile Community. This will be PMI Agile Community’s first event to accommodate Europe & Asia!
Agile experts tell us fixed price projects are immoral and declare that agility can only be delivered on a slippery schedule and budget. But what about the real world? What about fixed deadlines and fixed budgets? What about projects that are selected based on schedule and cost? How do you agile that? In this session, you will learn key principles for achieving agility in a fixed-price environment. Come discover how to achieve what agile experts tell you is impossible.
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As per PMI’s PMBOK5, there are 10 knowledge areas covering total of 47 processes related to all five phases of the project life cycle. These five phases are not process groups. These 10 knowledge areas consists of 614 total of inputs, outputs, tools and techniques.
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Project Management Workbook is a generic tool for a project manager in order to reflect the project status quantitatively at any point of time in the SDLC in terms of:
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