Best Practices of Project Management for Project Success
Today each organization has their own strategy to follow good management practices to achieve the goal of the project undertaken by them. It is imperative that projects are manage to win the confidence of stake holders, realize efficiency and effectiveness in all phases of the project and to improve the life cycle of the projects.
Project management deals with organizing, planning and managing the resources which are required for the project to achieve the specific target. Competitions of the project in a specific time and with in a given budget is only done if the project is manage with a good way. In an organization it is the responsibility of the project manager to manage the project by using good and effective project management methodologies.
A pleasurable project manager must manage basic elements of the project for achieving the goal like time, money, scope and the resources. These are all important project elements that are necessary for a good project management and these elements are interrelated with each other.
Timelines: To get a successful Project Management it is necessary to fix the deadline of the project or we can say that starting time and completion time of the project should be fixed and the project must be complete in a given time.
Budget: Budget associated with the resources and materials needed to accomplish the project’s deliverables. Budget is an also essential part of the successful project management. Loss and profit of the project has a direct link with the budget. So it is necessary to fix the budget of the project before it starts and complete the project within a fixed budget.
Project Goal/Objective: Aim of the project must be clear, indicates what you want to achieve with the project and with whom.
Project Management methods: For effective project management, methodology to follow for the execution of project must be defined & declared at organization level. A comprehensive, logically structured and clearly written process must be in place for good Project Management which declares that who will be doing what at what time with whom to achieve the project objectives and deliverables.
WBS: Building blocks of the work breakdown structure must be there that allows the project manager to define the steps necessary for the completion of the work can be thought of as sub-projects, which, when combined, form the completed project. There must a best utilization of the resources, which are required to complete of the Project.
Project success depends on the quality of planning. A good project plan is a basis for effectiveness in follow-up, evaluation, visibility and sustainability of outcomes. It is the responsibility of the PM to manage these components in a parallel way to get a success in a Project Management.
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